The Winter has arrived in Japan. There will be a long winter vacation from Dec 29th, 2010 to Jan 4th, 2011.
We will resume back to business on January 5th, 2011.
By the way, I am planning to wear a traditional Japanese clothing, KIMONO, on New Years Day.
This will be the first time to wear it for me.
The process of putting on the kimono is a bit complicated.
I have to learn a few steps first before I can dress myself.
I need to practice wearing it before the New Year!
New year is just around the corner!!!
I have to hurry!!
If you are interested in KIMONO, please let me know.
I might be able to work something out for you.
From Sales team
wow that is nice.ive seen some cute collectibles in those rilakkuma shop..nice one too.